Sunday, September 28, 2014

Simple present/Present progressive_ eighth Grade

Simple present/Present progressive

Here are some more ways we use the simple present:

1 To give instructions/directions
First, you boil some water and then you add the noodles and cook them for
three minutes. 
When you exit the MTR station, cross King’s Road and go two blocks down.
2 To make promises
I promise to be very careful with your digital camera.
I swear never to let you down.
3 To tell stories (for immediacy) 
Then she goes to the door and opens it and the monster pops out!
She finishes her homework and then the phone rings.

Here are some more ways we use the present progressive:

1 To talk about ongoing changes
You are getting fatter and fatter.
He is becoming a responsible young man.
2 To talk about repeated actions
That boy is kicking the back of my chair.
The cat is scratching that sofa to pieces.
3 To talk about background events in a story
Then she goes to the door and opens it and the monster is standing there!
She is doing her homework and the phone rings.

Here are some differences in how we use the simple present and the present Progressive:

Simple present
Present progressive
For permanent situations

 She lives in Quarry Bay.
For temporary situations

She is staying in the Kowloon Hotel.
For repeated actions not connected to the of speaking

She takes dancing lessons on Monday evenings.

For repeated actions connected to the
moment of speaking

She is taking dancing lessons now but before she took Putonghua lessons.
For future events in an itinerary

We arrive in Shanghai at 2.30 p.m. next week.
For planned future events

We are going to Shanghai
For illnesses/physical states

 I have a cold./My head aches.
For physical states only

My head is aching.
For preferences/opinions

I love pizza
For feelings we are experiencing now

 I am enjoying every bite of this delicious pizza.


1. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. Use the simplepresent or the present  progressive tense.

1 My brother __________________________ (like) this CD very much.
2 He __________________________ (travel) in China this summer.
3 We __________________________ (go) to lunch now. Would you like to join us?
4 We always __________________________ (visit) Grandma on Sundays. 
5 In this photo, we __________________________ (play) volleyball on the beach.
6 I __________________________ (play) tennis every day. 
7 My father can’t come to the phone now. He __________________________ (take) a shower.
8 My father __________________________ (work) as an accountant in a big company.
9 I think this pen __________________________ (cost) HK$8.
10 I can’t play online games now. My brother __________________________ (use) the computerto do his homework.
11 A: ______________ you ___________________ (do) your homework now?B: Yes, I __________________________.
12 This photo was taken when I was three. My father __________________________ (carry) meon his shoulders.
13 People ______________ always ___________________ (buy) new mobile phones.
14 Can you see Anna? She __________________________ (stand) at the bus stop.
15 ______________ you still ___________________ (watch) TV?
16 A: ______________ they _________________ (go) to Ocean Park on Sunday?B: No, they __________________________.
17 She often __________________________ (miss) class because of illness.
18 A: ______________ you _________________ (like) Kelly Chan’s songs?B: Yes, I ______________, but my brother _________________.

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