Monday, September 22, 2014

Can /can't

Can ¨ or ¨can´t¨?

1. Complete the sentences with can or can't and translate  them into Spanish.

1. Cheetahs ________ run very fast.
2. Sheep ________ read.
3. A spider ________ drive a car.
4. A fish ________ swim.
5. Humans ________ read.
6. Parrots ________ talk.
7. Animals ________ read.
8. Lucrecia is three years old, she ________ make a pizza.
9.A girl ________ fly.
10. Ducks ________ swim.
11. Babies ________ ride bikes.
12. A dog ________ play tennis.
13. Squirrels ________ climb trees.
14. Cats ________ fly.
15. Bees ________ make honey.
16. Babies ________ drive a car.
17. Elephants ________ fly.

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